Monday, October 22, 2007

One Happy Analogue Bloke

Well, they said it couldn't be done by the unwilling and recalcitrant. And they were almost right.

But I've done it, more or less, and got to the end of the Lib 2.0 project.

I should report that I've tried Zoho Writer (Online Applications & Tools) and find it interesting, but can't see myself using it in the forseeable future.

I've also checked on a couple of sites listed in the Web 2.0 Awards. None of the topics listed interested me except "Books." I clicked this link and checked out and LibraryThing. I think I'm already familiar with and it seems like a pretty worthwhile site, although I tend to use AbeBooks for out-of-print titles and that's good, too. LibraryThing I found to be one of those typical 'everyone-must-be interested-in-me' sites and I didn't bother creating a log-in.

Which brings me to my FINAL POINT. Gee I hate having to create new log-ins and passwords for every resource on Web 2.0. It is tedious beyond my wildest imaginings.

So there you go. That's it for me. I'll have my lap-top in the brushed-aluminium finish, please.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

We're Rolling, CrackerDog

Yep, we've just sampled some Wiki, me and CrackerDog, so we're heading down the Home Straight.
What can I say about Wikis? Well, I'm sure some will find them useful - and I may well be one of them in the future.
However, in a display of disarming honesty, the author of "Wiki's: A Beginner's Look" warned me of the following:
Wiki's aren't for everyone! If control is really important to you, then a wiki probably isn't the right tool.
She's probably right...

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Would the Real Bleeding CrackerDog Le Froy Please Stand Up?

No prizes here, I guess. But plenty of SURprises. Yes, I've wrapped-up Week 6: Tagging, Folksonomies & Technorati and am champing at the bit for Week 7: Wikis .

I've had a bit of a read of the documentation supplied on Web 2.0 and Library 2.0 and come to the conclusion - in conjunction with my blogging observations - that style may well be triumphing over substance. Or, quite probably, my interests and proclivities demand different content delivered in a simpler package.

As Bleeding CrackerDog Le Froy once sang: There's so much I want to know, But even more that I don't want to know..."

Still, me and CrackerDog are willin' to come along for the ride.

That Bleeding Analogue Bloke Completes Another task

`Bleeding´ CrackerDog Le Froy

Yes. I've been to the Generator Blog and got me my Blues name. That's me on the left and now I've done the next task. And that's an analogue harmonica.

Analogue Bloke Tries to Catch Up

But can he?

I must be about three weeks behind - struggling, with the best of intentions. I've read about RSS feeds and had a really good try with Bloglines and even subscribed to a feed. But ten feeds!? What for?

I must be honest here - and after all, nobody's reading this so I don't really have to be that brave. So let me tell you I'm quite happy reading my regularly visited websites one at a time. All four of them. Or is it five? I sort of like to cogitate slowly over the contents. And then log off and go and read a book.

Oh dear. It's that one task at a time analogue thing again.

Anyway, I don't think I can force-Feed myself, so I'll move on to Week 5 and play around with image generators. I am trying. Really.

Monday, October 1, 2007

The Analogue Bloke Goes Minimalist

Enjoy the minimalist lines of this Sopwith Snipe and think to yourself about how this might be applied to Web 2.0. The Snipe was compact and workmanlike. Web 2.0, it seems to me, suffers from excessive complexity: a multitude of links and options which might be more usefully reduced. Think smart and well presented, just like our young officer and his aircraft.

Well, I have used up a whole afternoon catching up on what I missed while on holiday for two weeks and I am now in the process of convincing myself that it was all worthwhile. Let me think about this for bit and I'll elaborate in a future blog.

And for those of you who want to know but were afraid to ask, the Sopwith Snipe took to the air very late in 1918 and is my current favourite desktop wallpaper. Image courtesy of Rosebud's Early Aviation Images website.

The Analogue Bloke Blogs

After two weeks holiday I find myself reluctantly dragging my analogue feet through the digital portal of Web 2.0.

Reluctant because I value my time, and have never really been interested in playing in the virtual world. I like the internet and use it sparingly for work and personal research purposes, but 'learning through play'?

I think the best learning is achieved through an intrinsic interest in the subject matter, so this project presents a unique challenge for me, the Analogue Bloke.

Still, let's be honest, I really want a laptop. Please. And the skills can't hurt, I guess. I can amaze my teenage son with my technical prowess. Maybe. I can show him how to blog and he can show me how to use the dvd player. Possibly.

Until the next time (which won't be long because I'm playing catch-up)
